Joey porter was born in Kansas city Missouri on march 22, 1977. He weights about 225 and is 6ft 3 inches tall and must be good at football or the dolphins wouldn't have picked him he has been from the Arizona cardinals to the Pittsburgh steelers and now is finally on the best team in the NFL the Miami dolphins! He is the a linebacker for the dolphins number 55.Before that he graduated and played for Colorado state. He had 22 career sacks which if you don't know what a sack in football is it's where you come from the defense line and tackle the quarter back before he throws the ball.Today April 13, 2010 he has confirmed to say that he has no longer want to be with the dolphins. is this guy crazy i mean come on seriously who wouldn't want to be on the dolphins but this guy said he just wanted to play and win but know he says he is bord of the team what is with this nonsense. He also said it would be best if the dolphins could trade him to another team what is with that, that is just disrespect. If you like football and love to play I wouldn't care who 's team i am on i men come on that's just sad. I mean when I first started blogging about him i thought he was a good guy and was good at playing football on the dolphins but until i read this article it has totally changed my mind i hope he is gone and when i say gone i mean gone forever like not playing football ever. Ya so that's Joey porter for you, i will continue to write more blogs hopefully on nicer people that want to stay on the dolphins.
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