the best players on the team of Miami dolphins in the past and now.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Tedd Ginn Jr.
Tedd I think is one of the best kick returner I have ever seen. He runs down the field faster then a cheetah he is probably the only person in a football game that runs back and forth the most he is so amazingly fast and jukes out all the people. The video i am up loading is him mainly just returning the kick and mainly getting a touchdowns but some of them are really close to that. Here is some main information about Tedd. He was born on April 12 ,1985 and graduated from Ohio state university. He is six foot and weights one hundred and eighty pounds and first got drafted to the San Francisco forty 49ers and played for them for a couple of years and now is playing for the best team in the world but i am not sure if he still is though i will have to get back to you on that. The 49ers made a bad choice to give him up i would have tried to keep him on my team if I was that coach. Then he got traded to the Miami dolphins and that's when he really shined. I want to say that they traded Tedd but I am not entirely sure if they did but i hope they didn't though because that is really going to affect the team unless they get someone better then him.If they traded him i am not sure who they got.From what I just read they are giving Tedd back to the 49ers which i think is just a waste of time. If they started out with the team and you trade him don't ask for him back that's just a waste of you draft pick. Did they just want to see if he did good on a different team and then if he did take him back. If i was that coach and traded him first that would be stupid and second I would not ask for him back I would get someone else and maybe even get someone better then Tedd if that's possible. So this big thing about trading him is just a big mess i don't even know if i am actually one hundred percent right. If you find something that says i am wrong comment on it and i will fix it in a blog. so some more facts about him he has ran a total of four hundred and fifty four yards that's crazy! He also only had a total last year of two fumbles that's it two, that's pretty good for a kick returner. that's all I have about Tedd thanks.
i am very interested in greatest players in miami... Tires Miami